2nd Abdominal Wall Robotic Workshop 2019
1st Asia-Pacific International Workshop on Rectus Diastasis “The Abdominal Core Health” & 2nd Abdominal Wall Robotic Workshop
Following the success of 2018 workshop, we are proud to announced that our 2nd Abdominal Wall Robotic Workshop that was partnered together with “1st Asia Pacific International Workshop on Rectus Diastasis ” The Abdominal Core Health” held on 17th October 2019 at the Advanced Surgery Trainning Centre, NUHS was a success.
This year workshop covered deeply into understanding our abdominal wall, our core muscle and discussing the different techniques for repairing rectus diastasis and ventral hernia using endoscopic and robotic methods with or without the use of mesh. Round table discussing the role of liposuction and the role of demolipectomy associate with rectus plication and how to prevent complications like skin necrosis and seroma will be deeply discussed. This workshop had a mixture of onsite particpants and presenters , as well as international presentaters via Zoom meeting.
Our Clinic Location
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563
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