Mummy Makeover
It is no surprise that the two biggest post-pregnancy body image complaints that bring patients in to consult a plastic surgeon are sagging breasts and a loose tummy.
Therefore, the Mummy Makeover was developed as a surgical approach to address various post-pregnancy body issues simultaneously.
When Is The Best Time To Have A Mummy Makeover?
Most of the procedures in the Mummy Makeover do not affect future pregnancies. Patients who have had breast implants and did breast lifts do not have any problems breast-feeding after, as long as it is not done via the periareolar incisions. Other procedures such as facelifts, necklift, labiaplasty, and liposculpture do not affect future pregnancies in any way either.
In terms of a tummy tuck, I will advice my patients to wait if they are sure they will be getting pregnant in the near future. However, most patients who were pregnant again after they have had a tummy tuck did not report any complications—the abdominal muscles and skin stretch as per normal during the fetal’s development. In fact, they even reported having better figures than after their first pregnancy!
In general, there is no best or worst time to have a Mummy Makeover, in fact, some of my patients are even grandmothers! Once the time calls for it, don’t put it off. Most of my patients say that it is the best thing they have ever done for themselves and wish that they have done it sooner.
To know more about Mummy Makeover procedures or to make an appointment with Dr Marco for an Mummy Makeover consultation , call us today at our clinic : 65-6464 8075 .
Our Clinic Location
Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563
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