
Body Lift After Weight Loss

Image Dr Marco body lift Image Dr Marco body lift

If you have loose, sagging skin after significant weight loss, you may be a good candidate for a body lift.

What is a Body Lift?

A body lift by Dr. Marco improves the shape and tone of your body by removing excess skin and the underlying fat left over after substantial weight loss. A complete lower body lift treats the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs, while the upper body lift treats body parts from the waist up such as breasts and arms.

Body lifts address the large amounts of heavy, loose skin folds and sagging fatty tissue from weight loss. That is because the skin can sag and lose elasticity due to being stretched for a long time and often fails to shrink back to its former size and shape. In addition, excess skin can limit mobility and result in rashes and other sores that may lead to infection.

Am I a Candidate for a Body Lift?

Before deciding to undergo body lift surgery by Dr. Marco, your weight must be relatively stable for at least one year. Good candidates for body lift surgery include:

  • Individuals with significant soft skin tissue looseness in multiple body areas
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what body lift surgery can achieve
  • Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise

How is a Body Lift Performed?

Body lift surgery involves Dr. Marco making an incision at the waist or slightly below it and removing excess skin and fat while also repositioning and tightening skin tissue.

After careful examination, Dr. Marco may recommend a combination of liposuction and body lift procedures to achieve an improved overall contour. Support sutures deep within the skin help form your newly shaped contours. Overall, skin reduction may be done in stages, and Dr. Marco will recommend the best strategy to address your needs in the safest and most efficient manner.

Body lift procedures are performed under general anesthesia and require an overnight hospital stay. The amount of time it takes to complete the surgery varies widely depending on your individual needs.

What results can I expect from my body lift?

The results of a body lift procedure are visible almost immediately, but the final results may take several months to fully develop and may depend on your physiology. While scars will remain, they are hidden and fade over time. Your overall results are long-lasting and maintained through stable weight and exercise.

What is involved in recovery of a body lift?

Dressings or bandages will be applied to the incisions following your body lift procedure. A small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect after the surgery. Dr. Marco will also provide you with a medical compression garment to wear at all times except while bathing. Surgical dressings are generally removed two days after surgery, with showering allowed.

Body lift is a surgical procedure that requires significant recovery time. Pain and discomfort are first managed with intravenous or intramuscular medications and later with oral pain medication. A specific diet may be encouraged, and you will be fully informed on reducing the risk of complications.

Your post-surgery activities will be restricted until you have had plenty of time to recover. Restrictions may include avoiding exercise and lifting five pounds or more. Walking is encouraged after surgery, but further exercise is not recommended until sufficient healing has occurred.

Most people require four to six weeks of recovery before returning to normal activities, and generally, they should wait from six to eight weeks before exercising. There cannot be any pressure placed on the treated area. Approximately 75% of the swelling subsides at six weeks and 90% at three months.

Is a body lift safe?

Although all surgical procedures carry some risk, Dr. Marco is highly skilled and uses his years of expertise to keep you safe. Due to the significant amount of skin removed during body lift surgery, there are greater associated risks than with standard cosmetic surgery and could include bleeding, infection, and separation of the incision. As with any surgical procedure, some other general risks are associated but have an extremely low occurrence. These include skin laxity and necrosis, abnormal scar formation, seroma, and asymmetry.

Some rare risks could include deep vein thrombosis (blockage caused by vein restriction, possibly leading to clot formation) and pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).

General side effects of a body lift could include swelling, bruising, soreness, pain, and numbness.

Why choose Dr Marco Faria Correa for your body lift?

Board-certified plastic surgeon with specialized training and significant experience performing body lift surgeries

Dr. Marco only chooses to work in fully accredited hospitals with state-of-the-art facilities.

The facilities he operates in also all share his priorities in offering his clients unsurpassed attention to patient safety and care.

Our Clinic Location


Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
#10-26/27, 38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563

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