
Butt Lift

Image Dr Marco brazilian butt lift Image Dr Marco brazilian butt lift

What happens during a Brazilian butt lift?

The Brazilian gluteoplasty involves 2 procedures, liposuction and fat transfer. The fat is taken from certain areas of the body, usually areas with pockets of localized fat such as the flanks, abdomen, back, and thighs. After this fat is removed, processed and purified, it is then re-injected into different areas of the buttocks, especially in the upper quadrant. This gives the butt a fuller & rounder look.

What happens after the butt lift surgery?

Butt lift treatment patients are generally required to wear a compression garment for up to 6 weeks after surgery. This is necessary to minimize swelling and accelerate the healing process. Some patients are also fitted with drains to expel any fluid that may build-up after the procedure. Patients can expect some discomfort and swelling for the first few days.

Why choose a butt enhancement surgery?

The Brazilian butt lift is often preferred by patients because the liposuction/fat injection combination makes the results twice as good. They end up with a butt that is shapely, perky, and youthful in appearance, and simultaneously leaner and more contoured, thanks to liposuction.

Our Clinic Location


Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
#10-26/27, 38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563

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