
Labiaplasty in Singapore

Image Dr Marco female genital Image Dr Marco female genital

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes or reduces the size of the labia minora, the inner folds of the vulva.

In Singapore, the procedure has gained popularity due to its ability to address both functional and aesthetic concerns. With advancements in medical techniques and a growing understanding of women’s health needs, Labiaplasty offers a solution for those seeking physical comfort and enhanced self-confidence.

Why Consider Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty, while often associated with cosmetic motivations, serves a broader range of purposes. The decision to undergo this procedure is deeply personal and can be influenced by a combination of medical, aesthetic, and psychological factors.

Medical reasons

Physical discomfort: Enlarged or asymmetrical labia can cause discomfort during everyday activities. Women may experience chafing, irritation, or pain during physical exercises such as cycling or running. The discomfort can also extend to sexual activities, where the labia might become pinched or pulled, causing pain.

Hygiene concerns: In some cases, an enlarged labia can lead to hygiene issues. The excess skin may trap moisture, increasing the risk of bacterial or yeast infections.

Structural abnormalities: Some women may have congenital abnormalities or may have experienced trauma or injury to the labial region, necessitating surgical intervention for correction and restoration.

Aesthetic reasons

Personal preference: Every individual has a unique perception of beauty. Some women may feel that their labia’s appearance doesn’t align with their personal aesthetic preferences. Labiaplasty allows them to achieve a look that they feel more comfortable and confident with.

Asymmetry: It’s not uncommon for the labia minora to be asymmetrical. While this is entirely natural, some women opt for Labiaplasty to achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

Clothing fit: Enlarged labia can sometimes create a visible outline in tight-fitting clothing or swimwear. Women who are self-conscious about this may choose Labiaplasty to feel more at ease in their chosen attire.

Psychological well-being

Self-esteem and body image: The appearance of one’s genitalia can significantly impact self-esteem and body image. Women who are self-conscious about their labia’s appearance may avoid intimate situations or feel less confident in their bodies. Labiaplasty can help restore this confidence.

Mental health implications: Persistent feelings of embarrassment or distress about one’s body can lead to broader mental health challenges, including anxiety or depression. Addressing the root cause of these feelings, in this case, the appearance of the labia, can be a step towards improved mental well-being.

The Labiaplasty Procedure

Consultation process

Discussion: The initial consultation involves an open dialogue between the patient and the surgeon. The patient’s goals, concerns, and expectations are discussed in detail.

Physical examination: The surgeon assesses the labial anatomy to determine the best surgical approach and to ensure the patient is a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Procedure explanation: The surgeon explains the surgical techniques available, potential outcomes, and associated risks.

Preoperative preparation

Medical evaluation: Patients might undergo blood tests or other diagnostic evaluations to ensure they’re fit for surgery.

Medication guidance: Certain medications or supplements that increase bleeding risk may need to be discontinued.

Lifestyle adjustments: Patients might be advised to stop smoking or make dietary changes in the weeks leading up to the surgery.

The surgical technique

Anaesthesia: Labiaplasty is typically performed under local anaesthesia, but general anaesthesia can be used if preferred.

Incision methods: The two primary techniques are the “trim” method, where excess tissue is removed along the edge of the labia, and the “wedge” method, where a V-shaped section is removed. The best method is determined by the patient’s anatomy and desired outcome.

Suturing: Dissolvable sutures are used to close the incisions, which naturally absorb over time.

Post-operative care

Immediate recovery: After the procedure, patients rest in a recovery area until they’re ready to go home. It’s advisable to have someone drive the patient home.

Pain management: Mild discomfort is common, but pain medication can help manage this.

Hygiene: Patients are given instructions on how to clean the area and are often prescribed antibiotic ointments to prevent infections.

Activity restrictions: Strenuous activities, sexual intercourse, and tampon use are typically restricted for several weeks to allow for proper healing.

Dr. Marco Faria Correa's Expertise in Labiaplasty

Dr. Marco stands out as a leading figure in the field of plastic surgery in Singapore, with Labiaplasty being one of his areas of specialisation.

Credentials and Training

Educational background: Dr. Marco completed his medical studies at top-tier institutions, followed by specialised training in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Certifications: He holds board certifications and is a member of renowned plastic surgery associations, both locally and internationally.


Years in practice: With over a decade of experience, Dr. Marco has honed his skills, ensuring precision and excellence in every procedure.

Diverse patient portfolio: He has successfully performed Labiaplasty on a diverse range of patients, addressing various concerns and anatomical variations.

Patient-Centric Approach

Personalised consultations: Dr. Marco places significant emphasis on understanding each patient’s unique needs and desires, ensuring that the surgical plan aligns with their goals.

Safety first: Patient safety is paramount. Dr. Marco employs rigorous safety protocols and uses state-of-the-art equipment to ensure optimal outcomes with minimal risks.

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Risks and Complications

Surgical Risks

Bleeding: As with any surgery, there’s a risk of excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. Patients are typically advised to avoid medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risk.

Infection: The surgical site can become infected, especially if post-operative care instructions aren’t followed meticulously. Signs of infection include increased redness, swelling, pus, or a foul odour.

Scarring: While surgeons aim to minimise visible scarring, some patients may develop noticeable or keloid scars.

Anaesthetic risks: Adverse reactions to anaesthesia, though rare, can occur. This can include allergic reactions or complications like breathing difficulties.

Functional and Sensory Complications

Altered sensation: Some patients may experience a temporary or permanent change in sensation in the treated area. This can manifest as numbness, tingling, or increased sensitivity.

Pain during intercourse: If the healing process isn’t optimal or if there’s excessive tissue removal, some women might experience discomfort or pain during sexual activities.

Asymmetry: There’s a possibility of uneven healing or slight differences in the appearance of the labia on either side.

Minimising Risks

Choosing an experienced surgeon: The expertise of the surgeon helps in minimising risks. An experienced surgeon like Dr. Marco ensures meticulous surgical techniques and adheres to stringent safety protocols.

Following post-operative care instructions: Adhering to the surgeon’s post-operative care guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of complications.


Labiaplasty is a personal decision that can significantly improve a woman’s quality of life.

By addressing both functional and aesthetic concerns, the procedure offers a comprehensive solution for those seeking physical and psychological well-being. With the expertise of a skilled surgeon like Dr. Marco, patients can expect safe, effective, and transformative results.

Our Clinic Location


Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
#10-26/27, 38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Are there non-surgical alternatives to Labiaplasty?

    Yes, options include laser therapies or fillers, but they offer temporary results compared to Labiaplasty.

    How long does it take to see the final results of Labiaplasty?

    Initial results are visible soon after, but final outcomes may take several months due to healing.

    Can Labiaplasty affect future childbirth?

    Labiaplasty targets the labia minora and shouldn’t impact childbirth. Discuss any concerns with your surgeon.

    How does Labiaplasty compare to other female genital rejuvenation procedures?

    Labiaplasty focuses on the labia minora, while other procedures target different genital areas.

    Is it common to combine Labiaplasty with other cosmetic procedures?

    Yes, it’s often combined with procedures like vaginoplasty or a mommy makeover for comprehensive results.