

– Dermal Fillers &
Fat Grafting Injection

Image Dr Marco injection dermal fillers Image injections m

Injections using dermal fillers are an effective way of softening facial lines and wrinkles. This includes lines that pop up around the eyes, mouth, across the forehead and between the brows. Soft tissue fillers have become widely accepted as an alternative to surgical facial augmentation procedures. They enhance overall appearance by adding volume to the face, making it plumper and firmer in the process.

How dermal fillers work

Fillers plump up skin that’s become thinner over the years, as a result of aging and environmental factors. Patients like the fact that the results from fillers are almost immediate, with no downtime. Dermal filler injections are simple and almost painless. The results typically last between four to six months, longer in some cases.

The most common fillers are those derived from hyaluronic acid. These are more popular, because hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance in the body. Radiesse and Voluma, are some of the renowned dermal filler options available. Dermal fillers are injected under the skin, and work beneath the surface to smooth wrinkles and lines.

Fat Grafting Injections

Fat transfer (autologous fat grafting), is another procedure that is used to add volume to facial features. It involves using the patient’s own fat through fat harvesting to fill-in creases, and augment areas of the face that have sunk in. The fat can also be used to add fullness to the lips.

Facial fat grafting involves removing fat via liposuction from a predetermined section of the body, such as the flanks, thighs, and back, and then transferring it to a certain facial area. After being harvested from the donor site the fat is purified, before being re-injected into the face.

Fat transfer can treat facial deflation due to aging, and can also be used to fill in lines, to restore a youthful appearance.


Our Clinic Location


Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre
#10-26/27, 38 Irrawaddy Road
Singapore 329563

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