How to correct Inverted Nipples?
Having beautiful breasts means the world to every woman. For some who have inverted nipples, it can make them feel less attractive.
What are Inverted Nipples?
It is caused by the fibrotic tissue or the ligament that holds the nipple inwards, causing the nipple-areola muscle to contract and fail to project the nipple outwards.
It can happen to either one or both breasts, can be hereditary, and happen in men. While it can be unattractive, it does not cause any health problems or risks.
What will it affect?
Breastfeeding may be affected as there is an increased risk of mastitis, which is a breast infection or inflammation during lactation.
How can we treat this Inverted Nipple?
For mild cases, the nipple can be stretched out to make it pop.
For severe ones, undergoing surgery can help to solve this problem. Note that re-inversion of the nipple is a possibility, and there might be some temporary loss of sensation after the surgery.
If you suspect you might have this problem, do seek clarification and consultation with your plastic surgeon.
To learn more about inverted nipples, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.