
Reasons to Revise Your Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation revision, which involves the removal and/or replacement of your breast implants, is one of the most common and routine plastic surgery procedures performed. With newer medical techniques and implant material, more women are able to receive the breast enhancement they desire. But if the breast augmentation did not give the results you envisioned, a breast augmentation revision can be performed to change the shape/size/type of implants and correct any complications from your primary breast augmentation.

These are the top reasons women choose to have their breast augmentation revised.

One of the most common reasons women choose to have breast augmentation revision is when their primary breast enhancement did not result in the breast size they wanted. For some women, the implants they chose resulted in breasts that were too large for their bodies. It might result in an unbalanced appearance or be physically too heavy and cumbersome. Other women might also feel that their augmentation did not achieve as much volume as they expected, which in turn did not provide the curves and enhancement they wanted.

For women in such a predicament, their original implants can be removed or replaced with an appropriately sized one. 

Even though breast implants were made to be very durable, constant trauma to the implant or a natural defect can cause them to leak or rupture. In the case of a saline implant leak, breast deflation will be immediately noticeable due to leakage of the harmless saline solution.

Silicone implant leaks, however, will require an MRI to detect. The newer version of implants, silicone gel implants, will not flow around due to their ‘gummy bear’ consistency when ruptured. Silicone is also inert, which doesn’t react with the body.

Cohesive nature of silicone gel implants

With regular movement, breast implants can rotate within their created pockets over time. In some cases, the breast tissue becomes too weak to support the implants, causing them to move out of their intended position. In such cases, revision surgery can help to reposition the implants.

In some instances, symmastia, the inward movement of the breast implants, might cause an appearance of a singular breast. Revision surgery helps to create better breast definition and enhances cleavage.

Capsular contracture remains one of the main reasons for revision surgery. During the event of capsular contracture, the natural shell formation around the breast implants begins to contract and squeeze the implant. This might cause pain and breast size reduction. In other cases, it might also cause the breast to look and feel hard.

In revision surgery, the hardened capsule is released, and scar tissue is removed.

If the body has an over-reaction to the implant,  the scar tissue builds up inside the capsule and starts contracting and compressing the implant. The excess or constricting scar tissue ends up resulting in capsular contracture.

If you desire to revise your breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with an experienced and accredited plastic surgeon who can best achieve your goals. No matter your personal reasons for choosing a breast augmentation revision, the procedure can drastically improve your breast appearance.

To learn more about breast augmentation revision, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

Male Breasts Gynecomastia

When most people hear about procedures to remove excess breast fat, tissue, and skin, they automatically think about women. In reality, gynecomastia—a condition exclusively affecting men—and the surgical procedures to address it have increased among males.


Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of breast tissue in men. This increase results in what is commonly referred to as ‘man boobs’, and is considered a harmless but abnormal condition associated with hormonal imbalance and various metabolic disorders. Many men who suffer from this ailment see the development and enlargement of breast tissue during puberty, but it can also affect men ages 18 to 50. The ‘swollen nipples’ effect that is characteristic of gynecomastia is very difficult to reduce. While dieting and exercising can, for the most part, get rid of the fat around the breast, the area itself is made up of high-resistant glandular tissue. In most cases, gynecomastia surgery is usually recommended.

Grades of gynecomastia
The different grades of Gynecomasta are based on the following: size of breast tissue development, severity of the condition, and feminization of the breast.

Gynecomastia is not just a simple cosmetic issue. A study on adolescent males has shown that boys with gynecomastia were found to have significantly lower levels of mental health, self-esteem, and social functioning as compared to those without. There is also a strong stigma associated with gynecomastia, and it is widespread throughout the world. Many assume these growths result from inactivity, laziness, and poor living habits. While these can worsen the growth of male breasts, most cases are due to hormonal issues. The emotional impact of gynecomastia can be debilitating, causing most to turn to surgery for assistance.


As more men begin to realize that exercise and diet cannot completely get rid of gynecomastia, they consider surgery to address it. Gynecomastia surgery typically takes about 1-2 hours to perform and is considered an outpatient procedure. Excess fat is removed via small incisions by liposuction, while glandular tissue and excess skin are excised, resulting in a chest that is immediately more contoured, sculpted, and flatter. The recovery process is typically quite tolerable, and patients may return to work or school within several days after the procedure.

Common characteristics of gynecomastia include copy
Common Characteristics of Gynecomastia

Many patients report an improvement in their confidence and self-image after gynecomastia surgery. Their new flattened and contoured chest allows them to be comfortable in fitted clothing and, at the same time, be more agile during physical activities.

For those who are suffering from this condition and are looking for surgery to help, I encourage you to seek the expertise of an accredited plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in this procedure. Your health, and potentially your life, is worth it.


To learn more about gynecomastia surgery, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.