
Can I Get Pregnant After Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?

Many women are unsure if they have to wait until they are done having children before opting for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). They read everywhere that having a pregnancy after an abdominoplasty will cause harm to the mother and the unborn child. But this is not true!

All pregnancies may have some degree of complications, and the best person to give advice will be your gynaecologist.

For ladies with a previous abdominoplasty, their abdominal wall and tissue will still stretch as normal to accommodate the new baby. Some mothers notice that their bellies do not stretch out as much, or they do not look as pregnant as in their previous pregnancies. This is completely safe and harmless to the growing child.


Most of my patients who became pregnant after their abdominoplasty continue to love the results of their surgery even after their baby’s birth. In fact, most of them notice that they look better post-pregnancy with their abdominoplasty than during their post-pregnancy prior to their abdominoplasty.

If one has already had an abdominoplasty done before and if they do not put on too much weight during the pregnancy period, the midline connective tissue will not stretch too much again, causing rectus diastasis, because there is a strong scar tissue holding together the muscles together from the previous abdominoplasty. The abdominal muscles can still stretch outwardly, allowing the baby to grow, and it can retract back again after the pregnancy without causing the same gap as before.

Dr Marco stresses that the problem after pregnancy is not the muscles but the gap between the two recti abdominal muscles, which is the connective tissue in the midline of the stomach. If there is any excess abdominal skin due to the pregnancy stretch, then we only need to remove the excess skin and tighten the skin if the midline gap is not over-stretched.

The baby’s and mother’s health should be a top priority.  As every lady’s body responds differently to pregnancy, consult your plastic surgeon and your gynaecologist as soon as you find out you are expecting.

Rectus Diastasis _babygrowing pix


The main concern involving having a cesarean section after an abdominoplasty is the scar tissue. Be rest assured that having a C-section after an abdominoplasty isn’t much different from having a repeat C-section. Your gynaecologist will still work with a scar from the previous procedure, whether from a previous c-section or an abdominoplasty. But in any case, you should still inform your gynaecologist that you have already had an abdominoplasty surgery, as sometimes the scar isn’t too obvious.

One downside is that sometimes, your gynaecologist might not be able to close your new C-section incision with the skill of a plastic surgeon, affecting the appearance of the scar. In such cases, your plastic surgeon may be called in to close the C-section incision.


The answer is NO.

To read more from the previous blog, click  https://goo.gl/dGFgjt


According to Plastic Surgeon Dr Marco, there is no “right period of time“ to get pregnant after doing your abdominoplasty surgery. It is very individual and personal, but I will advise you not to do it within the first 6 months after the surgery. Sometimes pregnancy can happen, especially if the patient feels so confident and happy with their new body.

It is still best to discuss with your plastic surgeon & your gynaecologist what is best for you.

To learn more about our tummy tuck, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

Learn more about ALCL & possible links to Silicone Breast Implants

There is a new issue about silicone breast implants. Even if the study is not complete or really conclusive but the possible link between ALCL and silicone breast implants is causing a lot of inquiries and worries among patients with breast implants.

Following yesterday’s reported article in The Straits Times publication, we have received many phone calls and emails from our patients wanting to know more about this and how safe they are.

According to Dr Marco Faria-Correa, who practices at the Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Specialist Medical Centre, there is indeed a worldwide study suggesting a possible link. The study shows there are a few cases in various countries. For example, Australia has reported around 40 plus cases related to ALCL, and in France, around 18 cases. So far, the numbers are not statistically significant to cause any alarm. Removal of implants is not medically recommended for all patients. It only applies to those presenting with late seroma (liquid formation around the capsule) or any breast screening like ultrasound or mammogram showing any suspicious lesion.

Even though there is no medical indication for the formal removal of implants, we are seeing an increasing number of ladies coming to us, asking to remove old implants and refilling their breasts with their own fat.

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We are attentive to the new progress of the study, and we will keep you updated about the latest scientific information and the medical authorities’ recommendations.

We follow the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) guidelines for the “ Best Practices” for Breast Implant-Associated ALCL.

To learn more about ” ALCL & possible links to Silicone Breast Implants”, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

How to Get That Flat Stunning Abdomen?

Abdomen weight lost

Many of us work out in the gym and diet to try to trim and have a flat tummy. Some manage to achieve the results, while some end up with a big bulge like a sausage pumping out in the midline of the abdomen. According to Brazilian Plastic Surgeon Dr Marco Faria-Correa, who practices in Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, this bulge can be a rectus diastasis and can lead to many medical conditions.

Do you know what rectus diastasis is?

Rectus diastasis can also be called abdominal separation, abdominal muscle gap, or abdominal midline weakness. It simply means the belly sticks out because the space between the left and right belly muscles has widened, and this causes the bulge or pooch.

It is more common for ladies after pregnancy (part of a mummy makeover ) or in those with a yo-yo weight problem or idiopathic/genetic causes. It can happen to anyone in any age group and to man as well. Being a medical condition, this can be covered by insurance to a certain extent.

Rectus Diastasis Picture

Why are our Abdominal Muscles Important?

The anterior abdominal muscle, also known as rectus abdominis, is part of the core muscle group. It is a long vertical muscle that runs down from the body’s midline.  It holds our inner organs, such as the bladder, intestines, pelvis, and uterus, in place. It works together with our lower back to help us move our weight around like a stabilizer. Our core muscles give us the foundation to perform movements, maintain balance, and keep flexibility.

What happens if we do not repair the rectus diastasis/bulge?

It can cause an array of problems. Without the dynamic stabilization of the core, it can lead to weakness in the abdominal wall, jeopardizing trunk stability and mobility, contributing to back pain, and compromising posture. It can also result in pelvic floor dysfunctions, hernia, cosmetic defects, and difficult vaginal delivery. Back and pelvic pains are the most common manifestation of a diastasis recti abdominis.

How is it repaired?

According to Plastic Surgeon Dr Marco Faria-Correa, exercise and working out to reinforce all the core muscles help. But if the gap is more than 3cm, the best way to correct the rectus diastasis is with surgery.

The surgical time is estimated from two to four hours, depending on the severity of the diastasis.

There are different ways of performing the surgery to correct the recti diastasis: the open method will include skin removal or abdominal dermo-lipectomy for those with redundant skin fold (also known as abdominal aprons). This method will leave a scar on the bikini line but will tighten the stomach and lift the pubis area giving a flat stomach.

Those presenting with beautiful and non-redundant abdominal skin can use a minimally invasive method known as endoscopic abdominoplasty or endoscopic rectus plication. The latest technology for rectus plication through keyhole incision is the robotic rectus plication or robotic abdominoplasty, which uses the Da Vinci Surgical® system. It leaves a minimal and inconspicuous scar.

Rectus Abdominus after Plication

What is the Recovery time?

This procedure requires one to three days of stay in the hospital, depending on the individual. The initial recovery is around one to two weeks.  Carrying heavy items or returning to regular exercise is recommended around six to eight weeks post-operation.

To learn more about getting that stunning abdomen, contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com


Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

My Earlobes Are Tearing

The larger the dangling earrings, the heavier it gets. Once you get used to the weight, it won’t occur to you that the weight actually causes stress to your poor earlobes.

The coating of the earring pins can cause allergy to the ear hole, and the surrounding skin can cause inflammation making the skin wet and weaker, which increases the risk of tearing.

The earlobes are often stretched by gravity and prolonged wear. This can lead to tears caused by self-carelessness, constant pulling, or even just wear and tear.

Read more about earlobe repair to know how Plastic Surgeon Dr Marco can help with your earlobe concerns.

To learn more about how to address earlobe tears, please get in touch with us at:

Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

Are You Confident to Bare Your Back?

Baring one’s back seems like a breeze for most ladies. For others, it’s common to hear complaints about having bra fat, back fat, or horrible wings on their backs.

According to Plastic Surgeon Dr Marco, who practices at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, the accumulation of these unwanted fats falls under the condition of lipodystrophy.

This disturbing fat in the back accumulates once you put on a few kilos, and despite having an active lifestyle with regular exercising, fats in these areas tend to stay there. But the good news is that the back, due to its very thick dermis, is one of the best areas for liposuction. This is because it seldom leaves any irregularity or rippling skin. The thicker the dermis is, the better liposuction is.

For areas with thinner skin, like inner thighs or arms, we have to be more careful in removing too much fat. In the back, we can really clean out the subcutaneous fat due to better skin elasticity.

Dr Marco commented that with the aid of liposuction, the back of the body could be shaped into a perfect silhouette, resulting in a dramatic change.

The pre-surgical plan is critical as patients can be very detailed. Some even wear their swimsuit or a particular dress, asking to take a photo of the back and get it printed out and discuss with Dr Marco about the bulges on the back they want to be removed.

This back liposculpture can be done as a day surgery case. It can take up to two hours with either traditional liposuction, laser, or ultrasound-assisted liposuction.

To learn more about back fat removal, please contact us at:

Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

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