Surprise surprise! We have now entered into the golden era of having the perfect round and perky buttocks. Think Nicki Minaj and the internet breaking photo of our favourite Kim Kardashian, albeit their bottoms being extreme examples of this beauty ideal. This phenomenon is getting popular all around the world especially in countries that has some of the most beautiful beaches, where thongs and bikinis are daily apparel for women. There are some natural ways to ensure having attractive looking buttocks such as squats, lunges and yoga, but what happens if these no longer deliver the results you desire? Fear not, the answer is Brazilian Butt Lift!
The Brazilian butt lift is a type of butt augmentation procedure which results in youthful, prominent, and perky buttocks to give off a more sensual body profile. This procedure changes the size and shape of the patient’s buttocks by fat grafting or injection. Patients will have to undergo liposuction to remove fat from their abdomen, hips and thighs which is then processed and re-implanted into the buttocks.
Mostly, patients, both men and women have symptoms such as flat buttocks, sagging buttocks, asymmetrical buttocks, disproportionate buttocks or even massive weight loss that results in a change in the shape of the buttocks. The procedure will bound to add the curve you used to have, and restore your youthfulness in your buttocks.
Is it safe?
Brazilian butt lift uses fat-grafting, where fat is taken from other areas of the same body to be injected into the butt, it is generally safe. Although there are risks involved with this process, they can be minimized when performed by a qualified surgeon. Typically, butt lift surgery results in a 2-3 weeks of recovery time for most patients and during this period of time, patients will feel a little sore at the bottom region. However, in majority of the cases, you will be able to hit the beaches in your thong bikini after the recommended recovery period and show off your newly acquired butt.
How long do the results last?
After the fats are injected into the buttocks, some of them will be reabsorbed by the body and naturally eliminated. About 60-70% will stay in the buttocks and these fat cells that stay in the area will survive and live in the buttocks for the rest of time. As this is not an implant, the fat cells behave the same way as other fat cells in the body. Therefore, results may vary depending on weight fluctuations. To attain the longest lasting results, be prepared to maintain the weight you had before the procedure rather than lose it.
We don’t blame you if you are already feeling excited at the prospect of having that youthful body once again. Don’t be surprised if many more people are going to be stealing glances off your butt as you strut along the beach with a glass of mojito in your hand.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.