
Men & Liposuction

Beauty is no longer just in the eyes of the beholder. In this current trend where you not only need to have the hardware of being a smarty with papers , but you also need the software of appeal looking to give you that edgy look to outshine your competitor.

In recent according to Brazilian Plastic Surgeon, Dr Marco Faria Correa, there is an increase of men coming into the clinic asking for liposuction and liposculpture procedure.

Some of these male patients who see Dr Marco are not overweight. They are fit and spend many hours in the gym trying to build their muscles and follow a healthy diet regime. However there are just areas of “fat” that doesn’t seem to go away. One common area is the love handles (hips areas) or even the bulges on the abdomen where it doesn’t allow them to show off their defined 6 packs. Some complains of some small bulges here and there when they wear a fitted t-shirt or even when they are suited up with tie where the small bulge on the double chin can even disturb them. Liposuction can help to sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat.

According to Dr Marco, it is not just liposuction. It is called selective refinement liposuction, where liposuction is done under local anaesthesia with the patient awake, in front of the mirror, with a very small liposuction cannula.

Dr Marco will ask the patient to sit down or even stand or lie on their sides to show the areas and perform the liposuction procedure.

This is because when we lie down (the usual way of performing surgery where the patient lies on the surgical table), we cannot see the selective bulges that bother and disturbs the patient.  This technique that Dr Marco performs also applies to his female patient.

There are also those who are less active but want a quick way out for shaping their body.  The common problem areas include the abdomen and inner and outer thighs.

Many also request liposuction of the breast to address excess fat and breast tissue, also known as gynecomastia.

Human perspectives change. While these procedures can keep up with expectations, they also help boost one’s self-esteem.

Liposuction in men and women differs significantly. Look for an experienced and accredited plastic surgeon who can help you feel good about yourself.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

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