
Make Way For A Brand New You: It’s Mummy Makeover Time!

“You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression,” this was always a phrase that refers to the courtship ritual, maybe job interviews too. Whether it refers to our pearly white smiles, our haircut, or even our general physique, appearances do matter for first impressions, or at least for our self-confidence.

This motivation to look good certainly also applies to new mothers. Some are still in their 20s, but after delivering only one child, their bodies appear to have succumbed to a lifetime of aging. Should you, as new mothers, continue living as a prematurely droopy version of yourselves due to gravity and the results of childbirth?

No, you should not. Plastic surgery has offered a new set of procedures just for new mothers. It is called the Mummy Makeover.


So what exactly is in a Mummy Makeover package?
The Mummy Makeover is a range of procedures designed to help mothers regain the youthfulness of their breasts, their tummy, their body, and their face that underwent changes with age and the aftereffects of pregnancy and childbirth.


A Mummy Makeover typically treats the following areas:


Left: Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation) after pregnancy left untreated can lead to various health complications like spine problems, back pain, and slipped discs. Rectus plication done during a tummy tuck can effectively restore abdominal function and improve its cosmetic appearance. Click on the image for more information.

Just imagine restoring volume to your breast and returning them to their youthful position. If they have become uncomfortably large, you will be able to get them back to their pre-pregnancy size and shape. By removing the excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscle, you can return to a flat and attractive belly again. On top of all these, liposculpture can help to contour the body by removing the undesirable fats that diet and exercise can’t solve, be it the love handles around your waist or that pooch on your belly, hips, buttocks, or thighs.

Each of these procedures will be specifically tailored to suit each individual’s needs, depending on the aims and the particular body types and lifestyle.

A combination of procedures will be done in the same setting. For example, having breast surgery done during a tummy tuck. This combination will typically take longer hours, but it saves expense and recovery time compared to dividing it up into two operations at different times. (To learn more about the benefits of combining multiple surgeries, please click here.)

So, this brings us to the popular question.

When is the best time to have a Mummy Makeover?
Most of the procedures in the Mummy Makeover do not affect future pregnancies. Patients who have had breast implants and did breast lifts do not have any problems breastfeeding after, as long as it is not done via the periareolar incisions (click for more information). Other procedures such as facelifts, neck lifts, labiaplasty, and liposculpture do not affect future pregnancies in any way either.

In terms of a tummy tuck, I will advise my patients to wait if they are sure they will not be getting pregnant in the near future. However, most patients who were pregnant again after they had had a tummy tuck did not report any complications. The abdominal muscles and skin stretch normally during the fetus’s development. In fact, they even reported having better figures than after their first pregnancy.

In general, there is no best or worst time to have a Mummy Makeover. In fact, some of my patients are even grandmothers! Once the time calls for it, don’t put it off. Most of my patients say that it is the best thing they have ever done for themselves and wish that they have done it sooner.

Happy mother
No doubt lots of beautiful things come with babies, but it definitely takes a toll on a woman’s figure.


To learn more about Mummy Makeover, do contact us at:
Dr Marco Faria-Correa Plastic Surgery
Tel: +65 64648075
E-mail: enquiry@drmarco.com
Web: www.drmarco.com

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

Welcome to Dr Marco Faria-Correa’s New Plastic Surgery Blog!

I am Dr Marco Faria-Correa, a Brazilian plastic surgeon currently based in Singapore.

Welcome to my new blog, where I will be sharing interesting information focused exclusively on plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancement procedures, relevant to my patients and all public in general!

This blog will feature topics involving common plastic surgery procedures, including robotic surgery, abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation/lift, facelift, and the “mummy makeover” range of procedures etc. Each post will answer basic questions about the different surgical procedures, and will be written such that everyone can easily understand.

I wish for this blog to become a powerful voice in the online plastic surgery community, as I aim to provide some much needed support to a larger audience that may have concerns and questions pertaining to plastic surgery.

I welcome your comments and look forward to hearing from all of you!

Kindly note that the information contained in this blog is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

Please follow us on Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn, Weibo, and Blog to stay updated!

From Top to Toe: Understanding Aesthetic Surgery

Physical appearance significantly impacts our lives. Research has shown that as human beings, our appearance not only affects how we view ourselves but it also contributes to how society treats us. It is not surprising that as a supplement to grooming and exercise, cosmetic and plastic surgery have become a popular go-to option for millions of women and men every year.

To break it down, beauty can be divided into four major categories: ageing, youthfulness, symmetry, and gender. If we think of beauty in these terms, it becomes easier to understand the aesthetic surgery of the body from top to toe.

Firstly, as we age, our skin and soft tissues lose tone and elasticity. It shows on the face with the appearance of loose skin and the development of wrinkles. Similarly, the same droopiness is noticeable on the breasts, abdominal skin, and buttocks. The most common way to reverse these changes due to ageing is to surgically “lift” the loose skin and tissues. In the plastic surgery sense, “lifting” of the skin can mean either pulling up or tightening the area by removing any excess skin and tissue so that what is left is pulled tighter together. Lifting is a typical technique used in the face (brow lift, eyelid lift, face lift, neck lift), breasts (breast lift), and body (body lift, thigh lift, butt lift). By pulling the excess loose skin together, the lifted area looks more youthful.

Beauty can also be explained in terms of youthfulness. It directly correlates with a person’s fit and toned body. As such, the appearance of any fatty deposits under the chin, “bra roll” area, thighs, and tummies may make people look less youthful. When no amount of exercise or diet can help, patients usually turn to plastic surgery, namely liposuction, to remove unwanted fats. Similarly, there must also be the right amount of fat in the right places for youthful vigor. For example, full breasts (in a female) and full buttocks are considered to be signs of youth. When an area lacks fullness and appears deflated, patients can choose to add to that area using plastic surgery techniques such as fat grafting, breast augmentation, and buttock augmentation. It is also common to have both fat grating and liposuction done in the same procedure (liposculpture) to contour and ‘fine-tune’ the body and create a desirable svelte shape.

is a further aspect of how we assess our appearance. Most of us would be self-conscious if one of our hands or feet were bigger than the other. The same applies if this asymmetry is present on our face, breast, or body. Thankfully, fillers can help correct facial asymmetry and lift brows. Treatments to remove wrinkles &  expression lines
can help with uneven brow height. Breast asymmetry can be sorted out with breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction. Not only that, otoplasty can help balance out the ears, while rhinoplasty can make the nose more symmetrical. Corrections in such cases can not only improve physical health conditions but are extremely psychologically rewarding to patients, resolving self-esteem issues.

Last but not least, gender also plays a part in our concept of attractiveness. Basically, men and women have significantly different beauty standards. Men have heavier and lower brows, while women have finer, more delicate and higher brows. These standards define and guide a plastic surgeon in various cosmetic procedures. For instance, even though brow lifting can restore youthfulness to a man’s face, the plastic surgeon should take care to not elevate the brows too much as it might create an unwanted feminine appearance. Another example where gender beauty standards play a part is in contouring surgery. Waists that are too straight on a woman might create a more masculine appearance, while too much curve on a man might appear too feminine.

Essentially, aesthetic surgery from top to toe can be easily broken down into four categories to understand patient goals and guide plastic surgeons. Ultimately, all of these guidelines cannot compare to the expertise of an experienced plastic surgeon.

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Weibo for the latest updates!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your plastic surgeon or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Always speak to your healthcare provider about any questions you may have regarding a procedure.

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